Pre-treatment of data (Prior to PCA).
PCA is a maximum variance projection method, it follows that a variable with a large variance is more likely to be expressed in the modeling than low-variance variable. In order to give variables, equal weight in the data analysis, we standardize them. Standardization is also known as "Scaling" or "Weighing", and means that the length of each co-ordinate axis in the variable space is regulated according to a pre-determined criterion. The first time a dataset is analyzed, it is recommended to set the length of each variable axis to equal length. The most common criterion is that the length of each variable axis be set to be the same variance (Unit Variance). In Unit Variance (UV) scaling, for each variable (k-column) one calculates standard deviation (Sk) and obtain the scaling weight as the inverse standard deviation (1/Sk). Subsequently, each column of X is multiplied by 1/Sk. Each scaled variable then has equal (unit variance). UV scaling is also called 'Au...